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Principal's Message


Welcome to Washington Woods Elementary School, one of Westfield Washington Schools' six K-4 elementary schools!  We are a proud Leader in Me school ( and utilize Franklin Covey's 7 Habits of Happy Kids to serve as a foundation for personal leadership growth and development.
Washington Woods Elementary School is an "A-Rated" school through the Indiana Department of Education accountability system, and most recently received an "Exceeds Expectations" rating through the US Department of Education.  We have an extremely dedicated staff and absolutely wonderful students and families.  Together, everyone plays an important role in making Washington Woods Elementary School such a thriving school community.
As one of the fastest growing schools in one of the fastest growing districts in Indiana, we are so fortunate to serve the many new and longtime families in our school community.  We welcome all to "The Woods" and strive to continue to grow together for the betterment of the children we serve each and every day.
Please take some time to navigate our website.  If you have any questions or would like to find a time to visit our school, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!
Mrs. Sarah Zack